The Auburn Senior Community Center (ASCC) was originally a Parks garage that was no longer being used from 2014-2018. The local senior groups approached the City requesting a portion of the building be converted into a Senior Center so the 50+ groups had a designated home vs. the gym at the Rec center. In 2018 using $125,000 CIP funds, one third of the old garage was transformed into a 30×60 single function room, with storage room, kitchen, and bathrooms for about 80 people. After a successful year of increased programming and participation levels, the request to use CDBG funds to convert the whole building into a large banquet hall which would serve as the home for the senior groups up to 300 individuals was pitched and accepted by the City of Auburn. Phase 2 of the ASCC used $450,000 of CDBG funding to create a large 120×60 space with the ability to pull a partition and breakdown into 2 spaces. The grand opening for the new ASCC was in November 2019 and up until March 2020 the space was booked consistently for senior programming along with local meetings, events, and rentals. When the Pandemic hit this space was quickly transformed into the Food Distribution center for the community and housed the Grab N Go food program ran by the Recreation dept. The program quickly grew to serving over 450 individuals with weekly Grab n Go Grocery Boxes throughout the 2020 year. This facility was once again transformed, this time into a grocery warehouse serving those with food insecurities in the community until November of 2020. As programming is slowly being opened back up for the Senior population this facility will be booked and once again filled with grateful and appreciative seniors, community groups and rentals.