MRPA Membership Application

MRPA Member Application

  • The Maine Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) is a statewide membership organization working to advance the park and recreation field in Maine. We are guided by our core belief that quality park systems and recreation programs are vital components of a healthy community. Our members are community leaders and volunteers, recreation department decision-makers, programmers, students, and businesses, who contribute to the quality of life in our state. There are many benefits to being a member of the Maine Recreation and Park Association. They include: Professional development, resources, association programs, scholarships and grants
  • Categories of membership in MRPA.

    Agency ($220) for up to five full time employees (each additional employee after 5 is an additional $20). Commercial ($150) – for profit businesses who want to support MRPA (2 members). Professional ($60) full-time employed professional. Associate ($45) part-time employed professional Citizen/Board ($10) volunteer member of board, commissions or committee. Friend ($10) MRPA supporter, not employed in parks & recreation field. Retired Professional ($10) retired parks & recreation professional (or related field).
  • Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of MRPA. You will be invoiced for payment. If you have membership questions please contact Robin Cogger, MRPA Executive Director at 207-275-7061 or send an email to