Meet the 2024 Board Candidates

Board members will be voted on at the Annual Meeting on March 18th, 2024


Sabrina Best, CPRP
Deputy Director, Brunswick Parks & Recreation

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I am excited to run as President of our amazing association after serving 6 years on the board in various capacities! I plan on supporting my fellow colleagues from around the State and be a part of the State board leading the way for our profession.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
To advocate, support, train, educate and market the Parks and Recreation Industry and Professionals! MRPA has always been my ‘safe place’ throughout my career and I want to ensure that others feel the same.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I would continue to support the development of opportunities and relationships focused on advancing MRPA & it’s members.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
Vice President – 2023-2024
Secretary on the MRPA Board – 2018 to 2023
MRPA State Hot Shot Coordinator – 2008 to 2013

Vice President

Nicole Welch, CPRP
Recreation Director, City of Lewiston

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I have had the pleasure of watching and helping the Maine Recreation and Park Association change and adapt over the years, providing support to our members in whatever capacity is needed. Networking with like-minded colleagues from around the state, while also working to promote the industry, has been personally and professionally rewarding. I enjoy giving back to an association that has guided me towards new opportunities.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
Everyone who works in the parks and recreation industry is a team. Whether your department is small or large, we can all learn from each other while supporting positive forward change based on trends in our field. MRPA serves as central hub for connection and support for parks and recreation across the state. Advocating, educating, sharing, and creating are all important pieces of why our association is a pillar for Maine’s parks and recreation industry.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
Through focusing on the association’s strategic plan, I will support new and current initiatives that are most important for FY25. I will also assist with upcoming transitions for the association however needed.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
Fall Workshop: 2014 to 2019, Chair 2017-2018
Annual Spring Conference Committee: Speaker Chair from 2015 to 2019, Conference Chair 2020-2023
MRPA Board Member: At Large 2018 to 2020, Vice President 2021-2022, President 2022-2024


Karyn MacNeill, CPRP
Director, Yarmouth Parks, Recreation, and Community Services

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
To participate in the promotion and advancement of our profession; to provide my short, recent history of MRPA; and to give back to our professional association.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
MRPA provides numerous resources to professionals and through networking & educational opps, supports its members. When MRPA is serving its members, it works to meet the mission to improve the quality of life for all.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I will continue to guide MRPA’s fiscal responsibilities and work as part of the team to advance this wonderful life we know through parks and recreation.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
Current MRPA Treasurer, MRPA President, Vice-President, At-Large BOD member, Annual Conference Chair, Fall Workshop subcommittee member, Advocacy sub-committee member, State-side legislative Advocacy member, Golf Tourney subcommittee member.


Shannon Rogers
Assistant Recreation Director/Program Coordinator, Town of Berwick Parks and Recreation Department

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I would love to become more involved with MRPA. I am looking to grow and thrive through Parks and Recreation. I have always loved meeting new people and working with a wide and diverse group. I love to dream, build and execute events, meetings and conferences. I am a person that will always take a task as a challenge and won’t stop the planning and developing until it’s finished and presented.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
I believe that the primary purpose of MRPA is growth. We are here to expand and grow our recreation departments throughout the state and country, whether its through the littlest of the littles or the oldest of the older adult generation. We all strive for acceptance and success and with the help of MRPA, we can do this one professional at a time.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
If I was lucky enough to become a part of the MRPA board, I would help to develop and support new and old programs. I would also be in someone’s corner if they had a dream of seeing a new program come to life. The more members and professionals that we can support and help grow would mean the more communities and community members that we have the ability to serve.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
Being new to the Parks and Recreation group, I struggled at first to see where I needed to be and where I was possibly meant to be. I reached out to Deb simply with a how can I help? How can I be more involved? She simply sent me 2 committees that could use some help and I help with both. I am on the Advocacy Committee and the Spring Conference Committee. Although I haven’t helped with both long, I can tell that the work they are doing and planning is great for our state. I have also attended the last 2 NRPA conferences in Phoenix and Dallas. I have also attended the Fall MRPA conference in 2023. 

Southern Maine Rep

Anthony Dahms
Director, Gray Recreation

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I’ve enjoyed the networking and hearing about what people have for successes/challenges. Trying to create meaningful dialogue that supports recreation professionals in their work is rewarding.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
To support parks and recreation professionals.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I would continue to work with those in the Southern Maine region to provide several meetings throughout the year on different topics.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
I’ve been a member of MRPA for 10+ years, I’ve enjoyed all the annual conferences I’ve been able to attend. This past year I was able to serve on the MRPA board as the Southern Maine Representative.

Eastern Maine Rep

Meghan Mazzella
Parks & Recreation Director, Orono

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I would like to serve on the board to support the MRPA community. The board is responsible for keeping the organization moving forward and dynamic. I would be eager to continue to be a part of this group that has such a positive influence on the professional development of the parks and recreation profession.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
The primary purpose of MRPA is to support all types of recreation as well as public use of parks and lands. This is supported by the board encouraging relationships between professionals, providing educational opportunities, and keeping Maine informed about new trends and legislation.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I would support this purpose by providing perspectives from my experience working in Orono and connecting with other departments in my area.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
Eastern Maine Rep. 2022, 2023
Spring Conference Planning Committee 2022, 2023, 2024

Northern Maine Rep


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Rep

Gail Platts, CPRP
Active Adult Program Coordinator, Scarborough Community Services

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I would like to continue to do the work we have been doing on the board of directors.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
I believe the purpose of the Maine Recreation and Park Association (MRPA) is to build community among parks and recreation professionals and serve as an advocate, and as a resource, for individuals and departments responsible for delivering parks and recreation services.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I want to continue to work on DEI initiatives, so that people in our agencies and in our communities feel seen and feel welcome. I hope to be able to continue share what I continue to learn through my DEI work and education.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
• I have served on the conference planning committee, served as a room host, and I assisted in recruiting DEI speakers for the conference.
• I am offering a session on Planning Activities for Older Adults at this year’s MRPA conference.
• Currently serve on the DEI Committee and assist with planning and facilitating our DEI Conversation learning sessions.
• Served as the DEI representative on the MRPA Board for 2023

At Large (3 Members)

Dana Delahanty, CPRP
Assistant Director, Bath Parks & Recreation

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
The opportunity to be a part of the MRPA Board of Directors will allow me to develop and build professional relationship in the profession that we all love. Being a member of the Fall workshop committee and past at large/secretary, I was able to see another side of the organization and how much it benefits and supports its members. I would like to share thoughts and ideas with the Board and advocate for Parks and Recreation in all communities.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
Improving the Quality of Life for all in Maine

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
Promote and advocate for Parks and Recreation in the great state of Maine. Letting people know what MRPA has to offer and what is happening in our organization in an efficient manner.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
MRPA Fall Workshop Committee- 4 years
MRPA at Large Board Member- 1 year
MRPA Secretary- 1 year
Certified Park and Recreation Professional


Gary Colello, CPRP
Director, Bridgton Recreation

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I’m eager to join the MRPA Board of Directors because I’m passionate about the Parks and Recreation field and eager to give back to the profession. MRPA and its members have been a crucial part of my professional development, and I’m motivated to give back and support fellow members in their journey.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
No matter what anyone says, park and recreation professionals are the backbone of our communities, essential towards fostering growth, health, vibrancy, and the overall well-being of our communities. In Maine, MRPA serves as a platform that unites professionals from cities and towns of all sizes, providing a framework for enhancing, educating, collaborating, developing, and supporting park and recreation professionals, as we continue to offer these vital services to our community members.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I would help this purpose by staying involved in various areas of the association and continue to find ways to support and advocate for parks and recreation professionals.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
I have been a MRPA member for 8 years. I have been an At Large Board Member for the past 2 years, I have been the Fall Workshop Chair for the past 3 years, and Scholarship Committee Chair for the past 2 years. I attend most of MRPA events on a regular basis, and most recently I have started to become involved with the Advocacy Committee.


Anthony Johnson, CPRP
Deputy Director of Recreation, South Portland Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
MRPA has been a tremendous resource to me throughout my career, both personally and professionally. By continuing to serve on the board, I hope to help support the association as it grows so parks and recreation professionals throughout the state can continue to reap the many benefits that it provides.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
MPRA has many purposes, but serving as a resource for professionals throughout the state is at the top of the list. Through providing professional training opportunities to serving as a catalyst for keeping us all connected and supported through membership, MRPA plays a vital role in continuing to move the field of parks and recreation forward in Maine.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
To be an advocate for Parks & Recreation, to help promote the image of MRPA, and to assist with events and programs that benefit young professionals in the field such as our annual golf tournament.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
2019 – 2024 Bill Bonnyman Golf Tournament Volunteer
2012 – 2016 Spring Conference Vendor Chair
2010 – 2014 Aquafina Pitch, Hit & Run State Coordinator
2010 – 2011 Spring Conference Planning Committee
2009 – 2010 Fundraising Volunteer, Bill Bonnyman Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser


Angela O’Connor, CPRP. CPO
Deputy Director, Portland Parks, Recreation & Facilities

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
As a current member of the MRPA Board of Directors, I would like to continue to serve on the board to help grow our memberships and bring more educational opportunities to help all of us grow as park and recreation professionals. I believe that with my background and experience in working in rural and urban parks and recreation departments in different states (CO, MA, ME) that I can come to the table with many different perspectives. I would love to continue to help support parks and recreation professionals in this role.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
There are so many purposes of MRPA it’s hard to just name one. MRPA is a voice for park and recreation professionals to advocate for improving the quality of life for all, whether it be a recreational program or developing and sustaining parks and trails. MRPA helps our members network and provides opportunity for growth and development. MRPA is an incredible resource that we can tap into and allows us to elevate the communities that we work in to the next level.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
If I were elected again, I would continue to work with the Annual Spring Conference Committee and continue to advocate for sessions that will bring knowledge and expertise of our field to not just in recreation, but parks as well. I would love to keep working with our DEI committee to continue doing the amazing work we have been doing. I believe that education, networking and staying current with the trends in our field is the most important thing that a parks and recreation professional can do. I can help support the purposes by being a life long student by continuing to attend outside educational opportunities that allow me to share current information to support our organization and and state.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
MRPA At-Large Board Member (Present)
MRPA DEI Committee Member (Present)
MRPA Chair/Co-Chair Annual Spring Conference (2010, 2011, 2023-24)
MRPA Annual Spring Conference Committee Member (2008-2011, 2023-24)
MRPA Fall Workshop 2023 Group Presentation (DEI Committee) “What Does Leadership Look Like?”
MRPA Annual Spring Conference 2010 Presenter
” Let’s Work Together” ” Outdoor Programs for Teens.”
MRPA Annual Spring Conference 2011 Presenter
“New Youth Sports Programs: USTA Tennis w/ Eric Driscoll, Youth Lax”/ “Outdoor Programming for Youth”
MRPA Representative- Maine Outdoor Coalition Steering Committee (2012-2014)


Douglas Beck
Outdoor Recreation Program Manager, Maine BPL Grants & Community Recreation

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I feel there is value in being able to provide context to association operations through a filter of years’ worth of experience serving in various capacities with the association. Additionally, I hope to continue to work with fellow board and association members to improve the status of the parks and recreation field, elevating the profession to where it is perceived as the “essential service” it is.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
To promote the awareness of the profession, and the essential services our profession provides, and to provide guidance, support and resources to our members in their pursuit of these essential services.

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
I will continue to look for opportunities in which MRPA can engage with efforts and initiatives that are beneficial to the association but that also provide a platform to raise the profile of the association, its members and the essential services this sector provides.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
If elected, I will embark on my ninth consecutive year as parliamentarian. My service to this association started when I proposed that MRPA create its own summer track and field program, a concept to better serve the participants and our association and one that never quite got enough traction. That led to a decade’s long string of service to MRPA that included service at various times as member, chair and or co-chair of the legislative committee, conference committee, fall workshop committee, board member, vice president, president, executive director, parliamentarian and now also elder statesman.

Citizen Board Rep

Alan Grady
Regional Sales Representative, Musco Lighting

Why do you want to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors?
I think it’s great to share my experience as a prior Parks and Rec director and in my current role as a sales rep in the recreation field. I enjoy keeping up to date with recreation trends, helping to run the golf tournament and the state conference.

In your view, what is the primary purpose of the association?
To keep up with national parks and recreation trends, technologies and provide opportunity and education for state recreation departments (scholarships, trainings, etc).

If elected, how would you help support that purpose?
Continue to attend meetings, run the golf tournament and assist with the state conference.

Please describe your past experience or involvement with MRPA. For example, committee involvement, membership, attendance at special events, conferences, training, etc.
This would be my third year as the citizen rep. I was also the SMART rep in 2009.