58th Annual MRPA Conference
Maine! The Way Parks and Recreation Should Be!
That’s a Wrap! Thank you to the conference committee, delegates, sponsors, exhibitors and speakers who made this year’s conference a huge success.
2026 dates coming soon!
Sunday, March 16, 2025
8:00am – 9:00am AND 1:30 pm – 5:00 pm Registration Samoset Lobby
9:00am – 3:00pm
Increasing Outdoor Access Workshop ( register separately) .5 CEU
What does it look like to create trails and outdoor spaces that are more
inviting, inclusive, and supportive of people living with different
disabilities? How can we rethink outdoor spaces and how we
communicate about them to welcome people who have historically
been marginalized in conservation and the outdoors? This workshop
combines a series of presentations, hands-on adaptive equipment use,
and in-field trail assessments. The workshop aims to share the
experiences, needs, and challenges of individuals living with
disabilities, and provide concrete suggestions for how to identify,
eliminate, and minimize infrastructure and informational barriers that
prevent wider access to, and use of, trails and lands.
Please note that this workshop is not designed to advise
participants on how to build or modify trails to make them
fully compliant with federal legislation; rather, instruction
focuses on making immediate, attainable shifts to trails,
infrastructure, and communications that begin to welcome
and accommodate a greater number of people looking to be
active outdoors.
3:15 pm – 5:15 pm
MyRec .2CEU
Presenter: Marie Heard
This session for current MyRec.com users will cover features of the software including important updates since we last met. We will highlight our newest features, and demonstrate how you could and should use the system, while giving you tips and tricks to make your life easier. There will be a question/answer period for all involved. Let’s share how you simplify your recreation management!
Positive Coaching Alliance .2CEU
Presenter: Tracy Jones
Let’s talk culture-setting and discuss some specific topics that will help to foster a strong organizational culture of development and fun.
3:15pm – 4:15 pm
Safety & Maintenance: The Pillars of Great Playground Design .1 CEU
Presenter: Emily Easterling, Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI)
Step into the exciting world of playground design, safety, and maintenance in this interactive session. This session will take a deep dive into the essential elements of designing a playground that is not only fun and engaging but also safe, durable, and in line with the latest trends.
We’ll cover playground design concepts, inclusive play and creating safe play spaces, while discussing any current projects your community may be interested in pursuing. In addition, we’ll share best practices for playground maintenance and how to ensure the longevity and safety of your equipment, handle wear and tear, and perform effective inspections. This session is run by Emily Easterling from Premier Park & Play.
5:45 – 9:00 pm
Social Event at Bear’s Den Billiards
Free Event for registered participants ( there is a $20.00 add on fee for the TRAPT ESCAPE ROOM). Billiards, ping pong, socializing, free food and cash bar. Transportation provided by Northeast Charter.
Monday, March 17, 2025
7:30 am – 12:00 pm Registration Samoset Lobby
7:30 am – 8:45 am Breakfast
9:00 am – 10:15 am Education Session
MRPA World Cafe .1 CEU
Attendees will self-select and participate in three table conversation topics through the session, one in each round. Rounds will be 20 minutes each. There will be multiple tables covering multiple topics each round so there will be many opportunities to engage if there is not enough room at a table. Each table will have a facilitator to guide the discussion and a scribe to capture notes. 10 -12 people per table. Key take aways from each topic will be presented to all attendees.
10:15 am – 10:45 AM Visit With The Exhibitors
10:45 am – 11:45 am Conference Keynote Presentation – “Nature’s Place in Music”
Join Julia for her keynote address on nature and its inspiration in her music. Julia will draw attention to the importance of returning the love, energy, and appreciation that Earth has given all of us, for as long as we have lived upon her.
She’ll delve into the effects that nature has had on her childhood, and importantly how nature has been the inspiration for the songs that she is releasing.
She will share with MRPA, exclusively, information about her new album entitled WILDFLOWERS. Every song on this soon to be released album is inspired by the outdoors; it’s preservation and the foundation that it provides in every person’s childhood.
11:45 am – 12:15 pm Visit With The Exhibitors
12:15 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch & MRPA Business Meeting
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Education Sessions
Beyond the Label: Lessons from Cola Wars on Harnessing the Power of Inclusive Language and Marketing to Engage Diverse Audiences .1 CEU
Presenter: MRPA DEI Committee; Lisa Thompson, Gail Platts, Sabrina Best, Angela O’Connor, Brandi Bradley
Join us for the “Coke or Pepsi Challenge” and a conversation about the power of marketing and its impact on shaping preferences and perceptions. We will also explore using the NRPA Quick Guide on Event Naming to help us to use more inclusive terminology and create a more welcoming environment for a wider range of participants.
Increase Visitor Enjoyment and Your Park’s Relevance Through Engaging Interpretive Programs .1CEU
Presenter: Jocelyn Hubbell, Interpretive Specialist, BPL
You’ll learn why interpretation is crucial to every aspect of park operations, what it is, and how to get started or improve the programs you already offer. You’ll experience several simple yet powerful interpretive vignettes that you can replicate at your parks, and you’ll get an interpretive resource list. Bring your sense of wonder and come prepared for a fun and engaging session! Interested in an Interpretive Program networking group? We will explore this too.
Mission Possible: Panel Discussion on Summer Camp Staff Training Strategies .1 CEU
Presenters: Ryan French, Recreation Supervisor, Portland Parks, Recreation & Facilities
Audra Keenan, Intergenerational Program Manager, Scarborough Community Services
Anthony Dahms, Recreation Director, Gray Recreation Department
Nicole Welch, Recreation Director, Lewiston Recreation (Panel Moderator)
Bring your notebook, it’s time to steal some ideas on how to prepare your staff for a fun, safe, and unforgettable summer. Ryan, Audra, and Anthony will be an open book, and will be sharing their favorite parts of summer camp training week and how to keep that engagement throughout the summer. Learn how other departments schedule training, who they bring in for special guests, and how they coach their staff. Whether you’re working with seasoned leaders or first-time counselors, you’ll leave with useful ideas to motivate and prepare your staff for an amazing summer.
Special Olympics ME – Unified Champion Clubs .1 CEU
Presenter: Laurie Pearson, Unified Schools and Wellness Coordinator
With over 5,000 athletes across Maine, Special Olympics Maine is dedicated to providing meaningful local engagement opportunities for all of our athletes. The Unified Champion Clubs initiative is a core strategy aimed at creating inclusive experiences for athletes through unified sports, health education, fitness classes, or by integrating individuals with and without intellectual disabilities into existing programs. This initiative fosters inclusion, unity, and active participation in recreation, allowing everyone to thrive. Parks and recreation departments have a unique opportunity to strengthen and unify their communities by embracing this program, which helps you expand your reach, serve an underserved population, and create an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome.
By incorporating Unified Champion Clubs, you can enhance your existing programs without the need to start from scratch. Special Olympics Maine provides the support to ensure seamless integration. We offer trained volunteers, funding to launch programs, and access to a large pool of athletes eager to participate, ensuring your programs are fully supported and impactful.
We are committed to helping you every step of the way with training, program models,
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm Education Sessions
Trail Planning, Design, and Management in a Changing Environment .1 CEU
Presenter: Nicole Lazure, Outdoor Recreation Planner, BPL
So, you want to plan, build or expand a new trail system but you’re not sure where to begin? As Maine navigates an ever-changing environment, trail planners should familiarize themselves with considerations related to climate change, changing user demographics, funding sources, and recreational trends that inform trail planning, design, and management. This session will provide foundational information and resources to help you design and build for the future of recreation in the state of Maine.
New Needs in Parks and Recreation: Marketing and Communications .1 CEU
Presenter: Weezie MacKay, Marketing and Communications Manager ,Brunswick P & R
As the Parks and Recreation industry continues to grow, it competes with just about everything out there to stay relevant to the people it serves. How do you win amidst all the noise? In this presentation, learn what marketing and communications means to your agency (hint: it’s more than social media); why it’s important to tell your story; and how to build a strategy, an editorial calendar, and a job description.
Positive Coaching Alliance .1 CEU
Presenter: Trcacey Jones
Explore the topic of activating parents towards a positive youth sports experience. This research-based workshop will discuss tangible topics on how to align parents with your vision of development.
Dip Down to Rise Up – The Science and Magic of Cold-Water Dipping .1CEU
Presentner: Amy Hopkins, Entrepeneur, Speaker, Cold Water Dipping Guide
Back by popular demand! Join Amy Hopkins, owner and founder of Saltwater Mountain Co. as she talks with passion, experience and enthusiasm all-things cold water – the dos, the don’ts, the whys and the hows! Then consider joining our (optional) real on-site cold-water dip at sunrise the next day – This is not to be missed, never regretted and always the best part! RECOMMENDED: come dip- prepared (with bathing suit, bathrobe, warm layers, wool socks and water shoes) even if you’re on the fence! (Some Neoprene booties will be available for borrowing) Hope to see you (and your curiosity) there!
SUNRISE COLD-WATER DIP: (optional but encouraged – even if just to watch!)
Exhibitor Social 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
MRPA Awards Banquet 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Social Event 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Join us in the Samoset Lounge from 7:30pm – 10:00pm for this social event that will include games, fire pits, s’mores, raffles and more, followed by the Julia Gagnon performance at 9:00pm.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
7:30 am – 8:50 am Breakfast
7:30 am – 9:00 am Registration
9:00 am – 10:00 am Education Sessions
Cemeteries and Community .1CEU
Presenter: Wesley Brumbaugh, Director of Cemeteries and Historic Projects, City of Portland
I intend to explore how cemeteries evolved, where they may go from here in the future, and what are the challenges facing them in terms of maintenance/upkeep, preparing for the future, and balancing those realities with the deep emotional interests of the community.
99 seconds – Your Program Ideas .1CEU
Presenter: Lisa Thompson, Recreation Director, City of Biddeford
This session is fully interactive where YOU are the presenter! Our best ideas come from networking and sharing our program ideas with others in our profession, and this session allows you to do both! Bring your biggest and best program ideas to share- in 99 seconds- with your cohorts in the recreation field. Topics such as Special Events, Multi-generational, Outdoor Recreation, Teen Programming and more will be covered. This session will guarantee MANY takeaways to try out in your department. Remember, it’s not stealing, it’s sharing!
ALL Building Communities Online; Creativity and Connection in Parks and Recreation .1 CEU
Presenter: Ryan Avery, Owner, THE LAB MAINE
Videos, digital examples, recommendations, slides and discussions surrounding the importance of keeping up with social media. Covering free and paid options for better design work, posts, flyers. Who in your organization can help with this? Tips and tricks for photos and videos of leagues, classes and events.
Maine Trails Program .1 CEU
Presenter: Doug Beck, Outdoor Recreation Program Manager, BPL
With voter approved $30 million dollars available for trail project across the state, now is the best time ever to improve your local trail network. Attend this session and learn how you can take advantage of this opportunity to increase local economic vitality, improve public health, increase property values, attract and retain residents and business all with some awesome trails.
10:15 am – 11:15 am Education Sessions
Not Just Surviving, But Thriving! .1 CEU
Presenter: Abigail DiPasquale, MPH, MCHES; Senior Health Promotion Coordinator
Recognizing your addiction to stress. Understanding why we stay so BUSY and how to break the cycle. Identify five key areas to REVAMP your life to restore balance and happiness. The problem is not that you can’t manage stress. Most likely you are doing a fine job getting the things done that need to be done, meeting deadlines, and even attending a social event every once in a while, (especially if it is a part of your responsibilities). But what is your experience of life? Are you taking time to appreciate what you’re working so hard to accomplish or are you just speeding through in order to tackle the next items on your to-do list? This session will help you find a way back to the balance of working for a living and having a life.
Community Water Safety: The Importance of Organizational Partnerships .1 CEU
Presenter: Brooke Teller, Executive Director, Maine Community Swimming
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1-4 years old and the second leading cause of injury death for children age 5-14 years old. We need to work together to tackle this national issue. Equitable access to water safety and swimming lessons has become increasingly difficult in Maine due to decreased workforce, aging infrastructure and high demand for lessons. Come hear about how organizations in your area can work together towards a goal of water safety for ALL.
Ultimate Frisbee- Your Next Great Sports Program .1 CEU
Presenter: Nicole Welch, Youth Program Director, Maine Ultimate need to schedule opposite day from the Day Camp Panel session
Easy skills and games to play with kids, learn about the rules of ultimate and how the game is played.
Grant Funding for Trails, Playgrounds, Courts, Parks, & other Public Outdoor Recreation Facilities .1 CEU
Presenter: Mat Henion and Catherine Dufault, Outdoor Recreation Grants Specialists
Staff from the Maine Bureau of Parks & Lands’ Grants & Community Recreation
Program will discuss the annual grant funding opportunity for parks projects in your community through the Land &
Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), a state-side federal reimbursement grant program. This session will cover all the
basic information about LWCF, including: a brief history of the fund, what to consider before applying, a review of
the grant application process and helpful tips to make an application competitive, as well as an important
discussion on LWCF lifetime stewardship obligations that every applicant should know before becoming a project